FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What if I do not have or want a PayPal account?
A. To purchase your Home Testing Kit or pay for a blood test at an event, you do not require a PayPal account. The PayPal account is a banking platform. Please note in small letters Pay by Debit or Credit card, click on this link and you will be taken through to an online payment page, where you can use your credit or debit card.

Q. Why is PayPal insisting I use PayPal to purchase my test?
A. If you have a PayPal account or someone in your home uses your computer who uses PayPal, PayPal will recognise you having used them before. Please either delete your computer history or alternatively delete your email address at the top of the PayPal form. You will then be able to pay by credit or debit card.

Q. Do I have to use PayPal?
A. No, you do not need to pay using PayPal. You can use a debit or credit card for payment. See note above.


Q. What is my Username and Password?
A. Please note your username is your email address. Your password is unique to you. Please keep your username and password safe. Ensure your email address is correct when opening your account.

Q. Do I have to register on the mypsatests website?
A. Yes, you do need to register on the website. This will allow you to access your results.

Q. Why can't I access my account?
A. It is most likely when you created your account, you did not verify your account. As soon as you create your account, an email is sent to your email address. Please open this email and physically click on the green verification button in the email. Once you have clicked on this verification button you will be able to log into your account.

Q. I have not received a verification email, what do I do?
A. If you have not received a verification email, you might have inputted your email address incorrectly. Please contact the office on 01926 419959 and they will be able to let you know the email address you have entered.

Q. I have registered an incorrect email as my username, what do I do?
A. Please send an email to [email protected] and provide the incorrect email and your correct email and the software developers will change your email to the correct one.


Q. I have had previous tests with GFCT or a charity I have used previously, can I access these results?
A. If you have had previous results which GFCT have facilitated on behalf of another charity or community group, these results will be shown in your account. This occurs once you have verified your account. The verification process is based on the following information, your name, email address and date of birth. If these details match, your previous results will be shown in your account.


Q. I have a discount code and I cannot seem to get it to work, what can I do?
A. Please check that you are on the correct charity page associated with your discount code.
For example: - If you are accessing a test via a specific Charity, ensure you are on the correct Charity Page. To find this page, go to the header ‘Our Charities', select the correct Charity, and click on this Charity Button. You will then find the discount code will work. Ensure you have registered and click your verification email button prior to ordering your test. If you still have problems, please contact the office on 01926 419959.


Q. What is included in your Home Testing Kit?
A. Specific instructions to follow to enable you to complete your test safely and correctly. Please read these instructions, at least twice prior to taking the test.
Three Lancets: - Please follow the instructions to use them correctly. When you push the lancet into your finger, if you say ‘OUCH', this means it is deep enough to ensure a blood flow.
Label for vial: - Please ensure you stick the label on after you have collected your blood.
Blood Form: Ensure your blood form with the QR is enclosed in your envelope when you return your blood in the envelope provided.

Q. Do I need to fill the vial up to the lines indicated?
A. Yes, you do need to fill the vial up to the second line. Otherwise, the laboratory will be unable to analyse your blood and provide a result. If you are having difficulty doing this, please DO NOT SEND YOUR SAMPLE BACK TO THE LABORATORY AND CONTACT THE OFFICE on 01926 419959.

Q. I have taken longer than 5 minutes extracting blood from my thumb or finger, what should I do?
A. If you have taken longer than 5 minutes to extract your blood, DO NOT SEND YOUR SAMPLE BACK TO THE LABORATORY AND CONTACT THE OFFICE ON 01926 419959.

Q. I have an infection and taking medication, can I still take the test?
A. If you have an infection please do not take the test, until the infection has gone. If you have any questions, please either email the office [email protected] or phone 01926 419959. We will consult with a clinician to advise you.


Q. What should go in the envelope when I return my test?
A. You should place your vial of blood in the plastic packaging provided, ensure you have sealed the vial firmly, attach your label with your name and date of birth on the vial. Stick the label on the vial after you have filled it with your blood. Ensure your blood form [QR code] is included, without this code the laboratory is unable to process your blood.

Q. When should I send my blood back?
A. As soon as you have taken the test, send the envelope back to the laboratory as soon as possible [same day].

Q. What day should I send the test back?
A. The laboratory is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Q. Do I have to use the envelope provided?
A. Yes, the envelope is a 24-hour tracked first class envelope.


Q. How do I access my results?
A. You will receive an email or text message informing you that your results are now available. Please then log on to your account on the website and use your username and password to access your account.

Q. I have forgotten my password, what do I do?
A. Please ask for a new password and follow the instructions on the website site when you ask for a new password.

Q. Who can see my results?
A. Any information you share with us would be treated as confidential and in line with the General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR] as we appreciate the personal nature of the subject matter. Your personal details such as your name, address and email address will not be shared with anyone outside of GFCT. Your results of your PSA test may be shared anonymously with researchers working on projects that relate to the early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer.


Q. Why is participating in the research questionnaire so important?
A. We are undertaking a major research study into PSA and Free to Total scoring working alongside the University of Manchester. We hope this research will help persuade the Health Authorities to implement a National Prostate Cancer Screening Programme for all men in the UK. If you would like to help us achieve this, we would ask you to participate by completing this questionnaire. All information will be kept securely and none of the people involved with the research will have any of the personal information. This information will be kept by GFCT.

Q. How long will the questionnaire take?
A. Please note that the questionnaire will take between 10 and 20 minutes.

Q. Do I need to be logged into my account on the mypsatests website?
A. If you log onto your account or create an account by registering on the website, you will then be able to save and resume completing the questionnaire at a later point in time.

Q. Will be data be safe?
A. We can reassure you that all your responses will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Q. Why do I need to provide GP or Specialist details?
A. This is entirely optional, but if you provide these details, it will enable the researchers at the end of the project to produce a peered reviewed research paper, which would assist the researchers in getting the paper published in a leading medical journal.

Q. I do not wish to provide my GP or Specialist details?
A. If you do not wish to provide these details you will be able to skip that section and still complete the questionnaire.

Q. Can I still take part in the research if I do not have a computer?
A. Yes, you can still take part in the research, please contact Jon on 01926 419959.

Q. I did not have a PSA test with GFCT or one of the Charities mentioned on the website, can I still take part in the Research?
A. Yes, you can still take part in the research.


Q. Who do you work alongside?
A. GFCT is a Prostate Health Awareness Charity, who holds and organises events around the UK. We also facilitate results on behalf of other organisations, community groups and Prostate Groups around the UK. For a Full list click on the ‘Our Charities' header on the Home Page.


If you wish to speak to any of the PSA testing team, please contact us by using the information below. Alternatively you can contact any of our team using one of the the links in the footer below.

Phone Number: - 01926 419959
Email: - [email protected]